Discovering and Creating New Roots

There are some moments in life where you are left in awe and complete amazement. The past five days in Uganda have become defining moments in my life and I am certain the remainder of this experience will leave a lasting impression. While we drive to and from our various destinations, I catch myself looking out the window in a trance asking myself “is this really real, am I really in Africa?”.  Spending time in Africa has always been a hope of mine and I am finally able to check this off my bucket list of life adventures. However, this experience has deeper meaning for me. Many people have described their previous experiences regarding their arrival to the Motherland and I now have one to share as well. I have been immersed and currently embracing a new culture while constantly comparing and contrasting it to my own. The storefronts, bustling traffic, smell of food and burning wood act as a constant reminder that I’m not in the United States. However, after witnessing many of the traditional dances and hearing songs of the people here I feel deeply rooted and at home. The cultural experiences coupled with the concepts learned in the classroom make this a well-rounded experience. We are able to learn about ourselves, each other, and brainstorm on ways to move forward the work of public health.

One of the best parts of this experience is the familial bond I share with my other classmates. This group of students is diverse in age, educational background, and professional experience making us all complementary to each other. We each add a unique view and openly discuss our experiences pertaining to the trip over breakfast, bus rides, or while sitting at the dinner table. Each day I develop stronger relationships with everyone on the trip and each is distinctive. It is something special about being in a foreign environment with someone that produces instanteous unity. Georgia State University and Public Health was the sole unifying element between us initially, but this trip has sparked thought-provoking conversation about our backgrounds, interests, and current events taking place in Uganda and America. Planned activities have created shared moments of accomplishment such as our 10 mile bike ride, while visiting the slums of Uganda reinforced our genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

I am certain that each of us will continue to grow as we develop and perfect our researcIMG_3668h goals. I believe an important element of pursuing a career in public health is to remember why you began in the first place. Meeting the children, seeing the need for improved infrastructure, and experiencing the disparity in health is eye-opening. Moments experienced in this trip define why I began on this path and will encourage me as I move forward.

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