Publication Notebook

 Publication Notes

Tingyu Zhang

  1. A list (or copy) of all possible papers (already drafted) for submission.

Building in Accommodations for Inclusive tutoring in the Writing Studio for students with dyslexia

  1. Copies of/links to CFP’s – “Calls for Papers” (chapter and article publications and conference presentations).

Presentation slides at 2014 Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA)


Abstract for the 2024 SWCA conference

In Hacking the Curriculum, Disabling Composition Pedagogy: The Affordances of Writing Studio Design (2018), Garrett Bre briefly notes that writing program teachers can “hack” traditional curriculum spaces to own more inclusive pedagogies. Though he demonstrates hacking means combining disability studies perspectives in the Writing Studio, he is less invested in the diverse problems and needs of dyslexia students. Also, there is less scholarship on how to tutor dyslexia students in the writing center as students are not required to disclose diagnoses in postsecondary education. As a tutor in the GSU writing studio for 6 months, I find a common group of students coming to the writing studio are dyslexia students but tutors have not given adequate training to help them, so my research focuses on how writing studio centers can better accommodate tutees with dyslexia.

Based on my research of interviews with 6 adult dyslexia students in GSU using 15 questions, I will present their views about writing difficulties in the first part of my presentation. They have difficulties in recognizing small, unclear, and not spacious fonts or cannot correct some common misspellings. Also, they need in-depth feedback about their overarching mistakes and detailed writing suggestions but need allowance in determining how they improve their writing. 

The second part will explore ways for tutors in the writing center to support dyslexia students. The participants suggest writing tutors should have empathy and respect for dyslexia students’ needs, have positive tones and language in tutoring questions, focus on attentive listening, give clear and detailed instruction, and provide writing samples and criteria to use as references to write for their audiences. In addition, the tutors are recommended to use some technology to help dyslexic students correct grammar and spelling mistakes, use text-to-speech software to support their reading fluency and comprehension or use electronic commenting on the writing of dyslexic students who may have difficulty deciphering handwritten notes. The tutors should also provide some accommodations like providing extra time for tutoring when possible.

The last part of the presentation will show why it is significant for all writing studios not just GSU’s in the future to train tutors to have compassion for dyslexia students, choose dyslexia-friendly font in online tutoring, give open-ended feedback for their brainstorming or drafts and direct feedback for editing and proofreading, provide accommodation like extension in tutoring sessions, improve technology use such as custom color for on-screen text, Read Aloud and Grammarly. Only by understanding dyslexia students’ direct perspectives about writing problems can writing centers create inclusive and student-centered environments to help tutees improve their writing with high efficiency.

2024  SWCA conference CFP


Here’s the website that I can occasionally check for calls for papers.

(Interesting categories + the online conference section)


SAMLA Friday 11/15-17/2024 Jacksonville–No CFP yet–                            


  1. A list of journals in your area of concentration.

Writing Center Journals:

Southern Discourse in the Center

Southern Discourse in the Center (SDC) began as the newsletter of the Southeastern Writing Center Association. Christine Cozzens revived the Southern Discourse newsletter in the spring of 1998, and in 2001 the SWCA board decided to designate SDC as the “publication” of SWCA after it began to include research articles, and in-depth works about writing center-related issues.

Composition Forum

Composition Forum is a journal for scholars and teachers interested in the investigation of composition theory and its relation to the teaching of writing at the post-secondary level. Composition Forum is an Open Access Journal.

Composition Studies (archive)

Archive includes TOCs & some open access content for issues five years prior to the present and complete open access to issues published five years prior to present.


Kairos is a refereed open-access online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.

The Peer Review

The Peer Review is a fully online, open-access, multimodal scholarly journal that promotes the work of emerging writing center researchers.

Praxis: A Writing Center Journal

Praxis: A Writing Center Journal has been published by the University Writing Center at the University of Texas at Austin since Fall 2003. Articles published between 2003 and 2010 can be found under the Vintage Praxis tab above. Praxis has been published as a peer-reviewed journal since Fall 2011. This journal is Open Access.

Young Scholars in Writing

Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric is an international peer-reviewed journal. It publishes research and theoretical articles by undergraduates of all majors and years on the subjects of rhetoric, writing, writers, discourse, language, and related topics. This journal is Open Access

Writing Center Journal

Writing Lab Newsletter

Composition Studies (current issues)

The oldest independent periodical in the field, Composition Studies is an academic journal dedicated to the range of professional practices associated with rhetoric and composition: teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing related programs; preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars.

  1. Submission guidelines with submission info and contact names for journals in your concentration area.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit the article via email to

Generally articles should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

All articles be documented in accordance with the MLA Style Manual, 8th Edition.


  1. Information on presses committed to publishing in your concentration.
  • Utah State University Press- (find Write Centers Journals) -Utah State University Press is a refereed scholarly publisher and division of Utah State University Libraries. Established in 1972, the Press’s mandate is to acquire and publish books of superior quality that win the esteem of readers
  • Southern Illinois University Press -founded by President Delyte Morris in the mid-1950s, and its first book–Charles E. Colby’s A Pilot Study of Southern Illinois–was published on October 20, 1956. The Press has mounted a global mission, reaching out through all avenues of the worldwide network of scholarship to attract manuscripts from an international corps of authors.
  • Bedford/St. Martin’s – Known for their widely used textbooks and handbooks on academic writing, rhetoric, and literature.
  • W. Norton – Publishes a variety of writing guides, readers, and anthologies used in college English courses.
  • Pearson – One of the largest educational publishers, producing popular composition textbooks and references.
  • McGraw-Hill – Publishes composition textbooks as well as resources for teaching writing and grammar.
  • Cengage – Produces comprehensive writing guides, handbooks, and anthologies for first-year writing programs.
  • Macmillan – Publishes textbooks, readers, and reference works on topics like college writing, rhetoric, and research.
  • Oxford University Press – Known for high-quality academic titles, including works on writing pedagogy and style.
  • Cambridge University Press – Publishes scholarly works and instructional materials related to English language and composition.
  • Hackett Publishing – Specializes in classic literary texts as well as composition readers and writing guides.


  1. An annotated list of bibliographical information (subject matter, methodology, advice) related to your area of interest.

How to tutor students with dyslexia in the writing center


  1. A list of working titles or topics you would like to explore.

How has Western Feminism in the 19C influenced Chinese feminist rhetoric in the 20C and now?   

  1. A list of organizations, discussion lists, etc. in your area.

9th International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference September 28–29, 2024

deadline for submissions:

April 19, 2024

full name / name of organization:

University of Central Oklahoma

contact email:

The International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference is presented by the Women’s Research Center and the BGLTQ+ Student Center at the University of Central Oklahoma with assistance from the UCO chapter of the National Organization for Women. In tandem, these organizations promote engagement with Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality issues.



Class Notes:


  • Conference Abstracts Documents                                                 
  • Delivering conference presentations                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Commercial Publication                 
  • Publishing Teaching Materials                                   
  • Intellectual property/ethics
  • Preparing Materials for Job Applications: Resumes, CVs, and Teaching Philosophies/Portfolios
  • Research Ethics and IRB
  • Rhetorical Elements
  • Publishing conference proceedings
  • Turning Conference papers into publications              
  • Textbook Publishing
  • Publishing dissertations and theses
  • Preparing the Monograph Proposal
  • Submitting articles to Journals
  • Grant Writing 
  • Collaboration            




1.31 Week 4 In Class Conference Abstract



  1. EmailSample: Check the information of the full instructions of the meeting.

Hi Committee Organizers,

Good afternoon. My name is ***,

Please accept my *** conference abstract.

My abstract entitles *** for *** conference.

Here is attached as a word document. (CV/ bio

Thank you for consideration.

If you need anything, please let me know.

I look forward to your email.

All the best,




  1. conference abstract

IRB approval first















Co-Authoring in Action: Practice, Problems and Possibilities

Pros and cons of publishing research with a co-author


Archival Research


What Composition Students and Academic Libraries Can Gain from DigitalCollaborative Pedagogies Author(s): Matthew A. Vetter



3.21 Class presentation slides on Collaboration


Publishing Pedagogical Materials


CV is different form Resume;

TCSG technical college systems;


CV template;

Resume (2pages) CV(4-10 pages)



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