Brain storm UX projects. Group or individual? If you can’t think of a project, you can take one of the elements of UX research — questionnaires, interviews, observations, usability testing, personas, case studies, or some other element — and provide an in depth report on it consisting of a detailed overview, a bibliography, examples, and links to useful resources. You will share this report with the class via a 1 hour Webex presentation during the last week or two of class (depending on how many of us choose this path).
I will do an individual project for this UX project.
- Object to analyze
I will analyze a pick-up food website. YiFan is a Chinese food restaurant nestled in the heart of Johns Creek in Atlanta that offers fusion cuisine. It offers a pick-up food ordering service through the website
- Hypothesis to test
What elements should be improved and changed in this food website?
- Population (keep in mind you need at least one willing participant from each sector)
I want to include 3 Chinese clients in their 20s, 30s, and 40s and 2 American clients in their 20s and 30s who are Chinese food lovers in my usability tests.
- Data needed
- I want to record the process of how they order their favorite 5 dishes from the website and conduct face-to-face interviews with them using 15 questions in 20 minutes.
- I also want to examine other food websites’ UX designs like UberEats and write to analyze their similarities and differences.
- Method(s) for acquiring data
I think that screen recording of usability tests, interviews, competitor analysis, and data analysis will be conducive to my case study. It is also practical for the new UX learner like me to conduct in the next couple of weeks.
- Personas
I will use to create my personas for the pick-up Chinese food ordering service website and make some improvements.
- Outline for your case study
- (Completed 3/16) Create and post project outline/schedule.
- 3/23: Create questions for interview& create the personas.
- 3/30: Find 3 interviewees, conduct 3 interviews, and write the analysis of the interviews.
- 4/6: Find 2 interviewees, conduct 2 interviews, and write the analysis of the interviews.
- 4/13: Finish the competitor analysis.
- 4/20: Make design decisions according to the interview and competitor analysis. Publish the wireframe of improved YiFan’s food website.
- 4/22: Post final report.