A whole new world.


This is a horrid photo.  I am fully aware of that fact, and I apologize.

When I saw this statue, I was reminded of one of my favorite fantasy book series, Fablehaven.  There is a point in the second book where one of the main characters, Seth, accidentally encounters an evil, ravenous giant frog demon who will eventually eat Seth (but he didn’t die because there were three more books left).  The drawing on the cover of the book or the frog reminded me of the statue at the museum.

The mythical place from Fablehaven was more important and vivid to me than the real place where the statue had come from (so much so that I don’t remember at all where the statue is from or what the story behind it is).  All of the history in the statue had been smeared away from me because I read a book in middle school, and this isn’t a bad thing.  In reality, I’m not that into art, and I would rather read about something or watch the video than see it in real life (my memory is so bad that adding in the other stimuli helps), so I wouldn’t likely remember the statue at all if it hadn’t been for the connection that I had made to the invented place.

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