Yesterday was our last full day in Dublin. We came to Belfast early this morning and immediately started a new, full day here. I was honestly a little disappointed to be leaving Dublin yesterday, because I loved it so much. I loved most of the people I met (apart from the people participating in some sort of solstice last night that Sara and I encountered), I loved the food we ate, I loved University College Dublin’s beautiful, wide campus, I loved all of the time we shared together as a class. I wasn’t sure that things would be as much fun here in Belfast as they were there, mostly because the rooming situation was changing, and we weren’t having class every morning. I also didn’t know what to expect when I got here. I don’t know much about Belfast. I knew even less about it this morning.
Thankfully, we had an amazing first meal here, then a really great tour of Belfast City Hall. I was amazed by the inside of every room. The architecture was beautiful. The windows were amazing. My favorite room we visited was where the City Council meets. It was beautiful, filled with several large portraits of important political figures in the city’s history. I also thought it was incredible that the seats we were sitting on were designed by the same designer that carved pieces for the Titanic.
After the tour, most of us went on a (long) walk to see the Titanic Museum. It was closed, but we really wanted to see the life-sized outline of the actual ship behind the building. At the end of the ship outline was a beautiful view of the River Lagan. The walk there and back had incredible sights to see, mostly of the river. I’m really glad that I didn’t judge Belfast too soon, because I really love it here.
PS I would like compliments about my Titanic reference in the title, thanks.