I’m the oldest kid of two parents who went through really horrid childhoods, so I was constantly trying to be better than I was. This would be a good thing if I had known when to stop, but I hadn’t, so I just saw what was faulty. When I think about what aspects that I got from other people, I seem to focus only on the negative. I got a bad temper from my dad; my grandfather gave me his arrogance; my mom made me untrusting; all of them passed on to me their want for addiction. It wasn’t until this last few months that I started to analyze the great aspects that they gave to me too. My dad taught me that if it isn’t my business, then I need to back off; my grandpa taught me to try everything, even if I’m not great at it (or terrible even); my mom gave me an open mind. I am a massive conglomerate of all that is around me, but this is my greatest strength. I have the power to learn and adapt.