To Love an Introvert…


…is to give them a place to be alone.  Or at least this works well for me.  I happen to very much so enjoy the company of everyone I have met on this trip, but I also constantly find myself overwhelmed and just uncomfortable when I spent a good deal of time in public.  Like anything else, some days are worse than others, and today just so happened to be one of those days where I just wanted to think and be with myself.  I am fortunate enough to have the space to do this without fear of those around me reactiving in a negative manner (and thank you all for that).  Today I became very comfortable with one of my new favorite places on the University campus: my room, specifically the space near the window where I am very tempted to sit, but not bold enough to risk damaging the room.  Having this area to just sit and chill out is hugely important to my sense of okayness, and I feel like this trip might be very different for me if not for this personal area.  Right now I love with my mom, who is fantastic, but fairly overbearing, so this really is something that I appreciate.

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