Short Story 2

A mother and her two children were working in the garden one day. The three of them lived in a house outside of London. There was a narrow backyard that the children’s mother gardened frequently in. On this day, both of the kids were helping plant a few new flowers in the garden. Ever since they had moved into this house, they were aware of the neighbor’s son who had been known to have quite a temper. As they were planting the last flower for the day, all three of them heard a loud scream. A lot of rustling in the neighbor’s backyard followed the scream and then someone let out another terrifying scream. The mother of the two children grabbed both of her kids as they stood frozen in the backyard. Suddenly, the neighbor’s son came crawling over the fence. His mouth was foaming, and his eyes were blood shot red. The mother had seen this boy act out before but not to this extent. He made it over the fence into their backyard. She yelled out, “Are you okay!?”, there was no response from the little boy, only growling. He started to charge at her and the two children. The mother acted quickly and picked up a shovel and as she did, the little boy leaped at the three of them from a great distance away. It was almost if something had possessed the little boy and enhanced his athletic ability by tenfold. As he was in the air headed toward the family, the mother swung as hard as she could, and the shovel hit the little boy square in the face. He landed flat on the ground and at this moment the rabid little boy’s father jumped over the fence. He kept repeating, “not again”, “not again”. The father didn’t even look at the family as he picked the little boy up and rushed him into his house. The mother and her children stood there terrified, looking for an explanation as to what just happened. The explanation never came and the neighbors moved several weeks later, never to be heard from again.

Credits: Bryan