Interview 3 – Expert

Expert Interview 

This is definitely a problem worth solving as there are very few resources that provide users new to Decentralized Finance guidance in navigating the space. Most of the resources out there are designed for crypto natives who have been in the space for a long time or have the know-how to read on chain data given by expensive toolings like NansenAI or Delphi Digital. The problem hasn’t been solved yet, because it takes a certain individual to guide beginners down the long path and it’s much more lucrative to play with big money. The biggest obstacles to solving the problem seem to be regulation and investor uncertainty in early-stage projects. Since this space is the wild west and there are virtually no roadblocks, it’s easy to make a foul move. You should avoid giving people direct financial advise and make it clear that their decisions financially are their own alone. Set the stage by giving high-quality information rather than specific play by plays. That’s where a lot of initiatives in this space can go downhill. You should be talking to defi YouTubers and Twitter accounts to get their first-hand opinions on what their communities are asking and maybe even join some paid groups of your own to collegially gain insight. Do not resell the info tho. Do your own research and only give your community what you have processed. You aren’t asking though what the best method of deployment is and how does your brand fits within the web3 / metaverse scene. Keep in mind we will work, play, and earn one day and the community you build will grow. Make sure you can sustain it and you know how to scale when it does take off. Whether it’s integrating a token or an NFT. We need to scale this community while staying profitable.  Be aware of that.