Interview 1

Tell me about the time someone shared a random cryptocurrency with you?

a. it was safemoon during the May bull cycle 

b. it was dogecoin shortly after the Robinhood gme surge

c. It was bitcoin during the 2017 bull run

d. I was on 4chan and someone posted about Kleros Court

e. I got invited to random discord and they were talking about random shitcoins. 

How do you value projects in the cryptocurrency space?

a. Marketcap

b. Circulating Supply

c. 24hr Volume

d. Community Engagment 

e. Art Style

What most confuses you about the cryptocurrency space?

a. How to buy crypto

b. Whats the different between a shitcoin and an alt coin

c. Why do coins go up in value

d. Is crypto purely financial

e. The success of a project

Have you ever invested in something that lost you money? What was your response?

a. Yes, I felt lost and emotion took over my thought process

b. Yes, I never wanted to touch crypto again

c. Yes, I sold everything and took my losses

d. Yes, I held it and watched it go to zero

e. Yes, I felt nothing because it’s all a part of the process

If you wanted to learn more about the underlying technology, where would you start?

a. I would go to telegram

b. I would go to coinbase learn

c. I would take a course 

d. I would attend a blockchaingsu workshop

e. I would go to youtube and watch finematics 


  1. Questions: Write the five or so main questions you asked.
    1. Tell me about the time someone shared a random cryptocurrency with you?
    2. How do you value projects in the cryptocurrency space?
    3. What most confuses you about the cryptocurrency space?
    4. Have you ever invested in something that lost you money? What was your response?
    5. If you wanted to learn more about the underlying technology, where would you start?
  2. Interviewee 1-5: Create a summary for each of the five interviewees.
    1. Interviewee 1
      1. October 9th/1PM/Zoom  (you don’t need to write their name)
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. anguish and frustration
        2. help family out 
        3. make money quick
        4. trade shitcoins and use pancake swap
        5. lack of credible information and tons of scammers
        6. telegram and reddit
        7. all of the sources of information are from anonymous users who aren’t doxxed. 
      3. This user is expressing anguish and frustration, because they were involved in the safemoon movement; a project promising unimaginable wealth for holding said currency. User wanted to help out their family by making money quick, but the only source of credible information to them was Reddit and Telegram. This is where all the communication happened. This zone was also a hot bed for scammers. On top of this the only streamlined interest of this group was to trade shitcoins and use pancake swap, which was a popular tool on Binance Smart Chain to trade these assets. Shitcoins are known to be extremely volatile with hype as it’s value, so when the hype died said user lost a lot of money making them feel their demise even stronger. 
    2. Interviewee 2
      1. October 9th/2PM/Zoom  (you don’t need to write their name)
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. justice
        2. big traditional finance companies don’t want to see us win
        3. make money quick
        4. buy meme currencies like doge coin
        5. lack of credible information and tons of hype
        6. Reddit Channels like WallStreetBets and SatoshiStreetBets
        7. decisions are fueld by social media 
      3. The user is expressing a sense of justice in his investments. They believe big traditional finance has been messing with them too long and the solution it to invest in dogecoin where they can get a taste of financial freedom. Dogecoin falls into a meme currency that is heavily influenced by social media. the user also wants to make money quick as each meme currency is barely a couple cents. Gets all the news from reddit channels that arent very credible and is just a combination of others opinions rather than facts. Hoping to make money quick and not looking for long term. 
    3. Interviewee 3
      1. October 9th/3PM/Zoom  (you don’t need to write their name)
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. sense of being late
        2. looking to make up for lost time
        3. learn more about bitcoin
        4. take mass-produced courses
        5. lack of one on one help 
        6. friends and family
        7. has been around in the scene for a while, but never did anything
      3. Users heard about bitcoin in 2017, but didn’t do anything about it due to fear and uncertainly feeling the only way to learn about it is to lose money. Gets all their news from friends and family, but lack that one-on-one attention when they need it. They want to learn more about bitcoin and its applications to make up for a lost time. Exited all positions and haven’t made any attempt to get back in. Needs to be told what to do and have a community to support the decisions they make.
    4. Interviewee 4
      1. October 9th/4PM/Zoom  (you don’t need to write their name)
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. comfortable and confident 
        2. long term
        3. break into the blockchain scene
        4. twitter and daos
        5. step by step guides 
        6. Discord and Twitter
        7. watching from the sidelines with skin in the game
      3. The user has been in the decentralized community scene for a while and has been with a community on discord for a couple of years now. They feel confident in their conviction when it comes to crypto but has never had classroom experience. Has expressed interest in attending workshops, but lacks that step by step guides. Availability of information is the biggest problem here, with so much of it readily available but nowhere to be found. Most of their news comes from Discord communities and Twitter accounts they follow. Looking more long-term rather than making money quickly. holding for a long time. 
    5. Interviewee 5
      1. October 9th/5PM/Zoom  (you don’t need to write their name)
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. information overload and lost
        2. ownership and art
        3. create their own venture
        4. pay someone to do it for you or become a developer
        5. programming experience and design
        6. Discord and Twitter
        7. user is an artist looking to use blockchain
      3. User loves to intake knowledge but doesn’t know what to do with it when they have it. Gets a lot of their news from Twitter influencers who run their own projects, but very simplified opinions. Hoping to shape their own opinions given what they’ve learned, but no clear progression guideline. Current Solutions provide the tools, but very few guides exist and the ones that are credible have paywalls behind them. More long-term than short and really loves the technology, supplementing with videos and not just readings. 
  3. Analysis: There are several groups of users. Ones who don’t know where the information is. Those who know where it is, but don’t know what to do with it once they have it, and then those that know what to do with it, but they don’t know where to start. The demographic is mostly young enough to the point where they have money of their own to lose, or don’t realize that they actually have money to invest. 
  4. Reflection: Most of the users we interviewed are between looking to make money quickly and actually seeing a meaningful use of the technology that goes much deeper than it being just a cryptocurrency. They are looking for reliable ways to learn from reliable people without having to lose as much as they already do invest. They are also looking for more one-on-one instruction that will show them the way to form their own opinions. A Helping hand is becoming extremely apparent from all the interviews as they have the info right in front of them, but don’t know what to ask to get started on their own journey into crypto.