
  1. What is this business about?
  2. Who is it for?
  3. Who is it not for?
  4. What are you drawn to?
  5. What are you unsure about?
  6. What could make it better?

Response 1

Service is about defi and its for defi users. It’s not for crypto. Drawn to the spaceship . Unsure if I can afford it or if it’s a signal group. Maybe some more price info

Response 2

Service is about decentralized finance and its for yield farming. It’s not for nfts and the marketing colors draw me to it. I’m unsure about the quality of information and maybe bigger text could make it feel better. 

Response 3

Service is for investors and looks like its a cook group for defi. It’s not for nfts and I am drawn to the symmetry. I am unsure about the price of membership and where I can get in. Maybe a signup or social media presence could make it better.