Girion, Lisa. “UPS Ban on Deaf Drivers Is Rejected.” Los Angeles Times 11 Oct. 2006. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.
Lisa Girion and Molly Selvin are two LA Times Staff Writers, who gave the report “UPS Ban on Deaf Drivers Is Rejected, confirming that UPS has been discriminating against their deaf workers by not letting them drive the trucks. The evidence proven are quotes from one of UPS’s deaf workers and information given from the case and some knowledge about the ADA. The authors purpose is to share with its viewers on how UPS had given a stereotype about deaf people and driving and why they did not want them to drive their trucks, which is against the law. This is supported by the ADA, this will help the viewers understand that you are not supposed to discriminate against those who have disabilities, but to treat them as equals because they are equals.The intended audience are for those who read the LA Times paper and those who want to know more about how UPS really cares about their workers.The source can be useful to researchers and those who wanted to know ore about the case at that particular time and now. The resource can be used as a reference in a thesis or article on deaf people and how they are treated in the workforce.