October 4

Skin Complexion Determining Lethal Force

News Paper cartoon from Washington Post that illustrates police brutality.

Cartoon that reflects the police shooting of African American men in Cleveland.

The authors coloration of the different characters in this cartoon greatly illustrates racial separation.

The two males displayed as officers in this cartoon are of two different shades. The officer to the left of the woman in the photo is lighter in skin tone than the officer by his side. However, both of their skin tones are lighter than the other characters in this cartoon.

The woman standing behind the stroller, who is assumed to be the mother of the child in the stroller, is of a darker shade than both of the male officers. The baby in the stroller holding a rattle is also the same complexion as the woman.

This depiction of the different skin tones illustrated how it doesn’t matter if the officers are Caucasian, Hispanic, mixed race, or other; the officers are still hold an higher position over the woman and the child because of their darker skin tone.

Image from: https://claytoonz.com/tag/cleveland/

September 6

Ellen V.S. Critics



Photo-shopped photo of Ellen DeGenerous on Usain Bolt’s back while he runs in the 2016 Rio Olympics

The picture to the right was tweeted by Ellen DeGeneres, who is a comedian and well known television host. According to CNN this tweet was “deemed racist”. DeGeneres intended audience was her twitter followers who know of her joking manner and who would understand that this was a comical way to admire Usain Bolt’s talent on the Rio Olympics 2016. However, the message received backlash because of some viewers perceiving this as an example of racial inequality. Based on the photo, critics could prelude that Ellen DeGeneres perceives Usain Bolt as her “errand boy”, inhuman, and ultimately showing the dynamic of men of color are seen as inferior to others.
