November 16

A Built Analysis of Georgia State University’s Dormitories: Diversity v.s. Accessibility

Community, opportunity, and popularity are some of the things a person may consider when locating colleges that will fit well for them. However, what about accessibility?

Image from Georgia State webpage encompasssing campus life

Georgia State University (GSU) is centered in Atlanta, Ga. Since the University is in the city, it allows for its students to have multiple opportunities of connections in fields of study because of the surrounding buildings and infrastructures. Atlanta has over a dozen headquarters of Fortune 500 companies and the city also ranks fourth in the world for Fortune 500 headquarters. Looking out of multiple Georgia State buildings you can see all the job opportunities that are just a crosswalk away.

Seeing all the business adventures a student can get into, it may be the reason that some of the incoming students choose Georgia State as their university to expand their knowledge and settle in the path for an career. However, there are many student who choose an university because of its accessibility to just different fields of study, but also the compatibility to ones special needs.

The design of Georgia State is widely considered an diverse campus that friendly welcomes all people, but a closer analysis in the individual buildings that make up the University, Georgia State infrastructure does not comply with handicap individuals that reside on campus.

*All images on this page belong to Georgia State University (Click Link in Caption to View Source)
