October 7

Schindler Summary: Restrictions of Architecture

In Sarah Schindler article Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment her main argument is the “subtle ways that the built environment has been used to keep certain segments of the population”(Schindler). Schindler argues this point by addressing the exclusionary of racial classes through architectural designs that are accepted by laws that don’t prevent this exclusion from happening.

The architectural designs has prevented different racial groups from being apart of other communities. “many communities lack sidewalks and crosswalks, making it difficult to cross the street or walk through a neighborhood.”

Another architectural development that has been used to exclude different racial groups  was the six-foot wall made by “a private developer constructed a six-foot-high wall..to separate an existing black neighborhood from a new white one that was to be constructed.”



Posted October 7 by tthompson73 in category Summary

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