Aging out of the pageantry arts has been a testy subject. In DCI, the outdoor circuit, there are rules in place that basically allow a person 7 eligible seasons of marching. In the WGI realm, the lines seem much more blurred. In the Scholastic realm, there is obviously a limit that once someone is out of High School, or groups sponsored by a school, that you are no longer eligible for that group. In Independent Winds, there is no age out. Nor is there an age out for Independent World Guard.
In Percussion Independent World (PIW), minus the “bonus years” rule that allows someone who’s birthday is close to the Championships date to have an extra season (if they turn the age out limit on the day, it is not fair to say they were age out eligible since they were too old for all of a day), the age out is 22. Only one year after the DCI age out rule of 21 years old. How and why is it okay to allow people to practice their craft for as long as they wish in Guard and Winds, but to hinder the talent growth in Percussion?
An insider to the WGI Board said that a vote was cast last year in the annual board meetings. The argument was that PIW is a youth activity and should be kept as such. Meaning, older “adult” members should leave for the youth to take their spots. A vote was cast and the board voted to keep only PIW a youth activity. Many members have signed petitions, made arguments, and ultimately expressed the unfairness to percussion and the age out rule. If anything why not make an age out rule for Guard? Or eliminate the PIW rule?
Seems to be a double standard.
Check out the 2015 Percussion Rulebook here. Do you agree or disagree?