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These are two different pictures of two different restaurants that are among the same street.

The first one on the left is Landmark Diner located right next to the Aderhold Learning Center on campus, and the second one is Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken located at Peachtree Center. These two different facilities are carrying the same messages implying that the facilities’ restrooms are for customers only.

This implies that unless an individual is planning on purchasing a meal that they are only allowed to use the restrooms of the restaurants. This tactic is used as in a way to stir away homeless individuals in particular that “if you cannot afford to eat here, you cannot use the toilet here”. I believe that this gimmick has been installed among many other food chain establishments in the city to prevent those that are not wanted because not only they cannot afford the meal ticket but would potentially drive business away if they were to be present among individuals that actually purchased the meal and are sitting down in the restaurant to eat or in other words, wealthier individuals. This can also be seen as if their consumers were to see that if they allowed strangers whether homeless or not to take advantage of their public service such as restrooms without returning the favor of purchasing something from the establishment that there would be complaints involved from these consumers.

It’s almost in a way as to where it’s okay to use the restrooms in the gas station if one is not planning on purchasing anything and is using it as a pit stop because most gas station facilities don’t mind at all who comes in or uses the restrooms because it’s publicly installed for the use of the public. However, when it comes to a restaurant that is set to cater whomever decides to dine in the establishment, it’s not built for public use. Meaning that “if you need to use the potty, you need to purchase something”.

In a way, I can see from both perspectives as to why restaurants only cater to those who buy from it and are stirring away any unwanted and unwarranted public attention that don’t plan on purchasing mainly because of the control of the business and environment itself. However, I do feel sympathy to those that seek the public use of restrooms because there’s only so many around that the nearest one could be a restaurant that wouldn’t allow you to “do your business” because you don’t have the funds for their business or really because all you want to use is the restroom.

FBED: Centennial Olympic Park


Sitting down on Centennial Olympic, the noises you mostly hear is either the multiple conversations of other people, the splashing water of the water fountains, car tires roaring and screeching against the paved streets and the bell-like sounds alerting you that the Atlanta Streetcar is nearby. So when I took this video, I mostly wasn’t trying to get a particular sound, but what the area is surrounded with from multiple sounds going off all at once. In this video, you can also hear even the slight heaviness of the wind as it picks up because that time of the year has come: fall. And with fall, comes the wind as well.

In this video, you also are able to see a skyline view of the city of Atlanta itself from the eyes of Centennial. You are able to see Skyview, the ferris wheel, in the center move. Also, there are two things that pass through in the video: a flock of birds and a man walking by. By doing this, I captured a major sight of the city looking upon the city.



Photograph of two men at a Black Lives Matter peace protest.


This image shows two men in a #BlackLivesMatter protest where they are holding signs asking the audience or the viewer, or in this case, those who are involved in police brutality, if a black man’s life is inferior to a white man’s. This is a powerful image because it questions the media, also America, something that has been engraved in the country for so long that they chose to live in denial for. American history has always favored the white man over the black man. So this picture with these two men coming together to peacefully protest as the white man supports his black counterpart and questions the media for their injustice, the black man also questions the media a question they chose not to directly answer.

Artifact: Butterfly on the steps of the University Commons @ GSU


A butterfly on the steps of the GSU dorm University Commons stairs.

As I was walking down the steps from the University Commons courtyard, there was a large yet petite figure on the steps. The butterfly laid there and hadn’t moved or flapped a single wing. I couldn’t tell if it was dead or not considering that it was very still. I assumed it wasn’t because when I had came back, the little thing was gone.