Color is an essential aspect of our daily lives. Though many times in life we do not pay close attention to the colors around us. If we were to pay attention to the different aspects of life were color heavily and lightly used our views of the world would vary considerably
In the article “Color Walking”, Phia Benin and Brendan McMullan, explain the concept of color walking. The pair tells the audience, of the general public, to “walk out your door, pick a color that catches your eye and to follow that color around.” They explain the amazement the reader will feel when the various colors pop out at them.
The pair then goes on to example their walk through New York City streets and the images that they saw. They utilize something that can only be done in a digital space, which was a step by step timeline with images of their adventure. This was a very helpful way of presenting the information which helped the reader understand the concept more than if they were to read in text.
To wrap up the post, the authors example that after doing this experiment the different color schemes hung in their “brains and eyes”. This short walk profoundly changed their view of every other color for the rest of the day. The reader is then encouraged to try this experiment themselves and is then given tips how to do it effectively. The reader is advised that on a color walk they should give themselves an hour of uninterrupted time where they focused only on colors. The audience is then encouraged to pick one color and follow that color around. Lastly that if a person gets lost to pick another color. Moreover, if they get really lost their “on the right track”, because that means that they are focusing solely on that color.
The authors did an excellent job in this article it was short and sweet yet very well researched and performed in a great way. With the mix of the previous research and the authors research the reader got two very well researched experiments on a single topic. The authors use of the digital space also furthered the readers understanding of the text. All in all, the authors did an excellent job of presenting the information on color walking.
Work Cited
Bennin, Phia, and Brendan McMullan. “Color Walking.” Radiolab Blogland. N.p., 29 June 2012. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.