Unit 5 Assignment 2: Internet Use (Cyberethics)

A few words about the Acadia University Plagarism Tutorial:

The tutorial was a good starting place for students to recognize plagiarism. I appreciated that the tutorial provided examples of typical ways students intentionally and unintentionally plagiarize sources. One thing that was clarified for me was that things that are common knowledge to do not need to be cited. I’ve always wondered about this fact. I sometimes would still cite the source just to being cautious. I still think there is room for error with self-determining what is common knowledge and what is not especially when writing for specific research areas. For example, what I may consider to be common knowledge among biomedical engineers in one text may not be depending on the audience.

Unit 5 Assignment 2: Which scenarios below are appropriate and which are inappropriate?

1. Use various characters combined with numbers and letters to create passwords.
2. Purchase clothes from the Gap while drinking coffee at Starbucks.
3. Join and contribute thoughtful information to a Facebook group you’re interested in.
4. Advertise your new t-shirt making business on the timeline of the high school reunion Facebook page.
5. Someone posts a negative comment to your Instagram post and you tell them to look at themselves in the mirror first before speaking.
6. When creating your blog post, you are sure to give credit to and cite original authors.

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