Great assignment! Using the CRAAP test to evaluate political websites was enlightening.
CRAAP Test: | |
CurrencyHow recent?
Updated? Links work?
I could not directly tell from the site the most recent update. There wasn’t a site edit date near the bottom of the page. I used the “daily facts” section to determine the site was updated 9-12-15. Looks as if it is updated weekly. |
RelevanceBest fit for topic?
Breadth & Depth Educational level
The information on the site is probably relevant for those in politics that agree with the angles presented. The topics are limited to 14 areas. The site provides depth of information for those topics. The educational level seems appropriate. |
AuthorityWho created it? Qualifications | Just Facts is a nonprofit institute publishing information about public policy. |
AccuracyCorrect, references, peer reviewed? | The information on the site includes references to policies from which the information was gathered. The site is not peer reviewed. |
PurposeWhat is the motivation behind the site? Bias? | The purpose of the site appears to be to inform people with similar political affiliations. The site does come off as being biased in its views. |
CRAAP Test: | |
CurrencyHow recent?
Updated? Links work?
According to the news posts on the homepage the last update was 9-17-15. Looks as if it is updated several times per week. The links on the site work. |
RelevanceBest fit for topic?
Breadth & Depth Educational level
The information on the site is probably relevant for those in politics that agree with the angles presented. The topics are limited to those that fall within the author’s political views. . The educational level seems appropriate. The site provides depth of information for selected topics. |
AuthorityWho created it? Qualifications | Anne Berg Public Policy Center created the site. The policy center is part of the University of Pennsylvania. |
AccuracyCorrect, references, peer reviewed? | The site includes references for the information posted to the site. |
PurposeWhat is the motivation behind the site? Bias? | The purpose of this site is to also inform those with similar political views. The site does seem as if there is an angle or some bias. |