Unit 4: Using Mobile Apps

There are numerous apps that are useful for college students. I think the most useful apps are those that allow students to access files in the cloud and edit documents. One such well-known cloud service that supports this time of productivity is Google Drive. Another great app is one that allows you to access e-books. Two such apps are IBooks and Kindle. I purchase as many college books as I can through Kindle so that I have access to my textbooks no matter where I am.

Unit 2 Assignment 2: The CRAAP Test

Great assignment! Using the CRAAP test to evaluate political websites was enlightening.

CRAAP Test: www.Justfacts.com
CurrencyHow recent?


Links work?


I could not directly tell from the site the most recent update. There wasn’t a site edit date near the bottom of the page. I used the “daily facts” section to determine the site was updated 9-12-15. Looks as if it is updated weekly.
RelevanceBest fit for topic?

Breadth & Depth

Educational level


The information on the site is probably relevant for those in politics that agree with the angles presented. The topics are limited to 14 areas. The site provides depth of information for those topics. The educational level seems appropriate.
AuthorityWho created it? Qualifications Just Facts is a nonprofit institute publishing information about public policy.
AccuracyCorrect, references, peer reviewed? The information on the site includes references to policies from which the information was gathered. The site is not peer reviewed.
PurposeWhat is the motivation behind the site? Bias? The purpose of the site appears to be to inform people with similar political affiliations. The site does come off as being biased in its views.
CRAAP Test: www.factcheck.org
CurrencyHow recent?


Links work?


According to the news posts on the homepage the last update was 9-17-15. Looks as if it is updated several times per week. The links on the site work.
RelevanceBest fit for topic?

Breadth & Depth

Educational level


The information on the site is probably relevant for those in politics that agree with the angles presented. The topics are limited to those that fall within the author’s political views. . The educational level seems appropriate. The site provides depth of information for selected topics.
AuthorityWho created it? Qualifications Anne Berg Public Policy Center created the site. The policy center is part of the University of Pennsylvania.
AccuracyCorrect, references, peer reviewed? The site includes references for the information posted to the site.
PurposeWhat is the motivation behind the site? Bias? The purpose of this site is to also inform those with similar political views. The site does seem as if there is an angle or some bias.

Unit 2: Assignment 1 Comparing Search Engines

I chose to research “inclusion AND classrooms AND student AND achievement” using bing.com, google.com, and dogpile.com. The results of my research using each search engine are listed in the tables below. The main similarity across the three search engines is that they all return results that included some scholarly journals. Beyond this similarity, two of the search engines did a much better job at returning quality web sources and those search engines were bing.com and dogpile.com. Bing.com and dogpile.com returned mostly journals, news articles, and government research. Some of the results were even the same in the top five from dogpile.com and bing.com. Surprisingly, google.com did not return as many high quality results. One major study that was missing from the google.com results was the NAEP Inclusion Study. Google also returned Wikipedia.com results in it’s top five. I use Google a lot as it is my default search engine. This assignment has caused me to rethink my habits. In defense of Google, the search engine does provide a separate list of higher quality results through Google Scholar.

www.bing.com Achievement of students with disabilities in inclusive …www.ernweb.com/educational-research-articles/achievement-of…

Achievement of students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. High schoolstudents with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms performed no differently …

NAEP Inclusion – Inclusion Studynces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/studies/inclusion

Measuring Status and Change in NAEP Inclusion Rates of Students with Disabilities – Results 2007-2009 is part of a series of re ports to develop a methodology for ..

Inclusion (education) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusion_(education)

Inclusion in education describes an approach wherein students with special educational needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled studentsInclusion …

[PDF]A Comparison of Inclusion and Pullout Programs on …


practices and student achievement. … Students in inclusion classrooms and specialeducation pullout classrooms tended to have similar

[PDF]Achievement and Inclusion in Schools and Classrooms …


supporting both the inclusion and achievement of students and staff … Researching achievement and inclusion in classrooms: our current project



www.google.com  The Effects of Inclusion on the Academic Achievement of …digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/…/vie..

Georgia Southern University

by RS Spence – ‎2010 – ‎Related articles

The researcher found no significant difference in the reading achievement of the …classrooms scored significantly higher than students in the inclusive setting.

A Comparison of Inclusion and Pullout Programs on Student …dc.etsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2680&context=etd

by JM Hurt – ‎2012 – ‎Cited by 2 – ‎Related articles

includes 18 studies that compared the achievement of students with disabilities who were instructed … Students who were educated in the inclusion classrooms.

News – What Does the Research Say About Inclusive …www.wrightslaw.com › News

Students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms show academic gains in a number …to learn (National Center for Education Restructuring and Inclusion, 1995). … the rate of interruption to planned activities and students‘ achievement on test  …

The Impact of Collaborative-Inclusion Education on the …scholarship.shu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context…

by F Harrison – ‎2011 – ‎Cited by 2 – ‎Related articles

Achievement of Students in General Education as Measured by the. End of Year …..Inclusion (NCI) Classrooms compared to Students in General. Education in  …

Achievement of students with disabilities in inclusive …www.ernweb.com/…/achievement-of-students-with-disabilities-in-inclusi..

High school students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms performed no differently in reading and math than students with disabilities who at.


www.dogpile.com Achievement of students with disabilities in inclusive classroomswww.ernweb.com/…al-research-articles/achievement

High school students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms performed no differently in reading and math than students with disabilities who at

NAEP Inclusion – Inclusion Studynces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/studies/inclusion

Student Achievement in … Results 2007-2009 is part of a series of re ports to develop a methodology for measuring state inclusion rates of students with disabilities.

The Missing Links: What Students and Teachers Say about …teachersnetwork.org/…esearch/achieve/Applewhite.pdf

The Missing Links: What Students and Teachers Say about Inclusion and Achievement Sheldon Applewhite Teacher Network Policy Institute Teachers Network

Impact of Inclusion Education on Academic Achievement …eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ574501

Impact of Inclusion Education on Academic AchievementStudent Behavior and Self-Esteem, and Parental Attitudes.

Research Link / Inclusion and Students with Learning … – ASCDwww.ascd.org/…ions/educational-leadership/mar01/…

Nancy Waldron and James McLesky (1998) compared the academic progress of elementary students in inclusionprograms with students in noninclusion programs.


Unit 3 Blog Post: My Three Cents on How to Be a Successful Online Student

Read your syllabus early and figure out if the coursework is feasible. You may see that you are not going to be able to fit in to your schedule the four 10-page research papers required by that course during the fall semester.

Set a weekly study schedule for your online classes. I think it’s much easier to be proactive than reactive. If you have a weekly ritual, you’re more likely to stick to it and get your work done on time.

Do not wait until the last minute to review and begin working on an assignment. You may have questions about the assignment or rubric. You will then find yourself under immense pressure to complete last minute low-quality work.