Intro to Studio

This project consisted of three drawings and a sequential narrative. We were required to develop a story where I am the hero and discuss how I identify myself as a hero. We were also required to incorporate the use of linear perspective, 2-point perspective, and atmospheric perspective for the story. I was given different types of paper including textured paper and black paper, Crowell ink pens, black ink, Terra cotta and white pencils, and watercolor pencils. In the assignment we made 3 drawings and then utilized storyboarding for the next project, incorporating the 3 drawings and creating a sequential narrative.

I used terra cotta and white pencils on the black paper to create my two-point perspective, this is a tall brick building. I used textured paper, black ink, and a crowill ink pen for my atmospheric perspective, this is a beach scene where the rocks jetty out into the water and visually meet the horizon. my one-point perspective was created on 9×12 paper using watercolor pencils this is my perspective from my hero’s worktable, it has crystals, a world monitor communication ball, and candle sticks. I chose these locations because they are a few of my favorite places. I had pictures of these places in several different ways but revisited them to ensure I had good-quality pictures. In my sketchbook, I drew these pictures quite a few times using different mediums. The most challenging work for me was the two points perspective once I got the hang of it after watching many videos, I felt confident in my work. I drew the beach scene several different ways and tried out the Higgins ink using wash the paintbrush, the pen, and salt, to attain texture on the picture. I really enjoyed working with the ink and the salt.

I have always had a connection with water, so I utilized a waterfall in the mountains as my home. My family’s health and well-being are important, so I incorporated my family into the sequential narrative where they were calling for help from the city. In the setting, my hero is in the crystal mountains relaxing and working on her craft. She possesses powers that enable her to use crystal energy, she prefers to use it for good but when she gets upset she typically destroys everything. My hero, an antihero was called to action to protect her family and the women of the USA. Laws were enforced in the US that determined that women were no longer able to be free. When my hero tried nicely to pay to get her family released and move them away with her, she was denied. So she completely ripped the US apart and kicked it into the ocean. She then transported her family back to her oasis in the Crystal mountains. They lived happily ever after….