Intro to Studio

Linear perspective using watercolor pencils

watercolor pencil on paper, Picture of my heroes table where she can view the world she also has crystals on her table and candle sticks.

Atmospheric Perspective using Bristol paper, Higgings ink ,and Crowill ink pen

2-point perspective using Black paper, terracotta and white pencils.

The assignment for this project was to create 3 drawings in linear perspective, 2-point perspective, and atmospheric perspective. In addition to capturing perspective, we used different mediums such as textured paper, toned paper, black paper and mixed media paper, watercolor pencils, terracotta, and white pencils. My inspiration for each work is the life experiences of my hero. I grew up in the city where my view for most of my life was brick buildings except in the summer I was shipped away to the beach. It was these experiences at the beach that started my love for the water with my family. As an adult, I walk and hike trails and mountains exploring new places and conquering fears in nature.