How Can I Contribute (brainstorm)

Sep - 14 2020 | By

Public and social services are very important to me, so much so that I plan to be at some point a social worker after becoming a teacher. 


The first Possibility:

My first possible contribution is the creation of a group home for homeless veterans. My mom is actually in the research phase of getting this together and I’m helping her so it’s entirely possible to just convert that research and planning into this project. Pro’s are that its stable income and that it would be helping people in need. One con could be that it would take a lot of work and maintenance. 

The Second Possibility:

My second is very similar to the first in that it is a group home for adolescents and teens. This one is something that I’m determined to do in my lifetime. I believe in helping kids/teens because out if anyone they need/deserves the most help and I truly feel that they don’t get enough. The pros are that I will be helping reduce some of the overcrowding in the foster system. The cons are how difficult it would be to run an operation like this, such as screening for employes and dealing with ‘troubled’ youth. I can research both this one and the previous by using government forums and articles written by others who are running group homes. 

The Third Possibility:

The third one that I came up with is something that I was in the process of creating before COVID. It’s a community where Gen Z artists can be themselves. It was kinda like a club but I would like for it to one day be much more than that. The mantel that I attributed it with was ‘Gen Z A.E’.  Gen Z A.E stood for generation Z art extremists where young people can have an unfiltered platform to express themselves and connect to their peers. Before anything else, I’m an artist and I’m in Gen Z (despite all our mistakes and flaws I wear that proudly).  The pro is pretty much I will be doing something that I want to do that is both fun and a good thing.  The only real con is all the work that it will take to get it to be what I want it to be. 

I do not know yet which I will choose. I am leaning towards either 1 or 3 but honestly, I will probably just flip a coin. 

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