More Descriptive Outline: Traffic Infrastructure of Georgia State University

T: The design of traffic infrastructure throughout G.S.U. is successful in some ways and a failure in others.

I. The orientation of the streets on campus creates confusion and inconvenience for vehicle traffic through campus.

What is the orientation of the streets on campus? WHich streets? Where? What directions?

HOw does it create confusions? To whom? When? Where? Why?

HOw does it create inconvenience? To whom? When? Where? Why?

II. The public transportation locations and routes create confusion and inconvenience for pedestrian and vehicle traffic on campus.

III. The sidewalks and crosswalks throughout campus somewhat accommodate all of the students on campus, but they also create confusion and at times dangerous situations.

IV. The scheduling and locations of construction projects involving transportation around campus (vehicular and pedestrian) creates confusion, frustration, and inconvenience.

Claim: Traffic Infrastructure within Georgia State University must be improved to reduce the rate of confusion amongst the student body.

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