Month: December 2016

Alexis Buenrostro: My Feedback on his Unit 4 Paper


My feedback: I love this paper. It gives a clear explanation on the access that certain people have within the regions of Georgia State. Also the use of rhetorical questions were a very nice touch to your paper which gave the style of your paper a good reasoning. The sentence fluency and diction used was also a eye catcher, and the hook stating the advise and and progress of the students and the overcoming obstacles and not being able to access certain things was a great push for your thesis. The best part was the images you added, which ultimately supported your claim. The only thing I couldn’t really conclude about this paper was that references. I recommend you to to make sure thee are well explained and understandable, so if it was presented to a different type of audience, it wouldn’t be complicated at all. Great Work!

More Descriptive Outline: Traffic Infrastructure of Georgia State University

T: The design of traffic infrastructure throughout G.S.U. is successful in some ways and a failure in others.

I. The orientation of the streets on campus creates confusion and inconvenience for vehicle traffic through campus.

What is the orientation of the streets on campus? WHich streets? Where? What directions?

HOw does it create confusions? To whom? When? Where? Why?

HOw does it create inconvenience? To whom? When? Where? Why?

II. The public transportation locations and routes create confusion and inconvenience for pedestrian and vehicle traffic on campus.

III. The sidewalks and crosswalks throughout campus somewhat accommodate all of the students on campus, but they also create confusion and at times dangerous situations.

IV. The scheduling and locations of construction projects involving transportation around campus (vehicular and pedestrian) creates confusion, frustration, and inconvenience.

Claim: Traffic Infrastructure within Georgia State University must be improved to reduce the rate of confusion amongst the student body.

Key Terms: Traffic Infrastructure of Georgia State University

Transportation Infrastructure: refers to the framework that supports our transport system. This includes roads, railways, ports and airports.

Traffic Congestion:  is a condition on transport networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing.

Gridlocks: a traffic jam affecting a whole network of intersecting streets.

Merging: blend or cause to blend gradually into something else so as to become indistinguishable from it.

Solargraphy:  is the art of pinhole photography and a part of Space Art

Campus Infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures of a campus

Commuters: a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.

Sustainability: is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.

Accessibility: also refers to the quality of being available when needed.

Human Capital: the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country.

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