This image was a screenshot of the tweet that Donald Trump put out about Dwayne Wade’s cousin, once again causing a uproar in the African American community.
Well what do you know, Donald Trump is back at it again with the harassing . He is stating that because Dwayne Wade’s cousin was shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago, he thinks just because that African Americans will vote for him now, and after he is elected that none of this stuff will happen anymore. WOW! What a way to get African Americans on your side. His emotional intelligence in this tweet is less that zero. He has no sympathy for the African American community, and from the looks of it, he never will. In my opinion he sounds legitimately sickening, and he is making himself look like a national disgrace. The horrific thing about it is, four hours later after putting the tweet out, he goes back and says,” My condolensces to Dwayne Wade and his family, on the loss of Nykea Aldridge. They are in my thoughts and prayers.” He is such a fake! Trump has been making appeals to the African American community in recent weeks. He has also said what does the African American community have to loose by supporting him. Apparently A LOT!