We built the Zonodome!

Clarkston campus students, faculty, and staff assembled the Zonodome on 31 October 2018. The zonodome is a structure, based on the polar zonohedron, designed by mathematician George Hart. The structure consists of 193 3D-printed connectors called nodes and 384 struts. The structure stands approximately 11-feet high and is approximately 6-feet at its widest.

 Dr. Sahithya Reddivari (Engineering; sreddivari@gsu.edu) and Dr. John Weber (Mathematics; jweber13@gsu.edu) led the community building efforts. For more information on the zonodome, contact either Dr. Reddivari or Dr. Weber.

Here are more pictures from the event on October 31st 2018:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5csu2ampa8h43zo/AAB44LlE4ordnmY6fvcCqeCJa?dl=0

For more information about art designed by George Hart and his other art: http://www.georgehart.com.

For more information about community-based art projects: https://www.wethebuilders.com.

This event was supported by State Farm, the Office of STEM Initiatives, and Student Life.