-The value reduction was about the range of tones. There are five values, from the lightest to the middle and then to the darkest. For this project, some objects were kept together, and they created beautiful values that I sketched. Maximine, I picked five objects from that still life. First, I laid a midtone on the sheet before I started my work and after I processed it with erasing. I started it with normal values and then slowly got into more detail. From the value, we can tell if it’s a soft or hard object. I also had a horse in my sketch. Drawing the horse was my favorite part of the sketch.
-I started drawing it on a 19-by-12-inch sketch book before I started drawing it on an 18-by-24-inch book.
-This is my final piece.
-I took five objects from my house and stretched them. I had taken some fake fruits, a mug, a book, a flowerpot, a perfume bottle, and a teddy bear with a pumpkin t-shirt on it. I decided to take these objects because I thought they would create great shadows. And the teddy bear because I felt like it represents me somewhere since my birthday comes on Halloween and the teddy is wearing a pumpkin t-shirt, and the best part is that it was gifted to me by my best friend on my birthday.
-What did I learn? I learned how to create shadow values. This project definitely helped me a lot to understand how to not get too heavy with my hand. And I understood that art can be created by an eraser too.
Comments by stalvanekar1