Notes from interview #1 with female 21 year old GSU student.

  1. What do you know about adoption, either domestic or international?


nothing  really about international

Agencies, domestic — expensive, time consuming

Dad works for social services — rural, drug problems

Take children away from parents — can be cheap if you go thru gov system


  1. Tell me about someone you know who is adopted and any experiences you’ve witnessed. 


Know people who are adopted but not usually discussed

They don’t know that i know

Bf’s best friend told me — top secret


  1. Tell me about a good experience you have in relation to adoption.


Good friend from high school — didn’t know she was adopted, domestic

Follow each other on social media

Posting pics where she met with birth parents, 3 sisters

Younger than sisters

Relationship with birth parents, keep in touch


  1. What story do you tell people about your origins?


Where are you from — don’t know how to answer

Born in australia, dual citizenship

Moved here when infant

Indiana, CT, savannah in mid high school

Great grandmother immigrated to australia from italy at 11, only one that spoke english

Mom’s family is german


  1. What are your thoughts on adoption? Would you ever personally adopt?



Really awesome, lots of kids don’t have homes

Some people in family choose not to have them, adoption would still be an idea

Traumatic for body to have kids

Adoption is an alternative if i don’t want to get pregnant