Historic Culture Tour in Brazil

Today I want on a historic tour in Pelourinho. It was so interesting because I got to see quite a bit of the city and at the end we visited the casa de Carnaval museum and the Church of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black People.
First stop was a city plaza where you can see the Elevador Lacerda and the Bay of All Saints. These two places are very beautiful and make great places to take photos that will make your friends jealous. While there you can also see the capoeira dancers performing in the plaza.
After the city plaza we went to the Casa de Carnaval Museum where we learned the history of Carnaval and how at first only the Portuguese could participate. Over time, the people of color whether they were the indigenous Brazilians or the Afro Brazilians, took over Carnaval and used it to protest and spread their ideals. At the end of the tour of the museum we were given the opportunity to dress up in Carnaval costumes and learn some of the Carnaval dances. We were also able to take pictures while we were dressed up.
At the end of the tour we went to a catholic sermon in the Church of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black People. Before the sermon there was authentic Brazilian praise that had a more upbeat and unified sound to it than most other Catholic churches I have been too. The interesting thing about this church is that it was built by slaves in their spare time, so it took them decades to finish. The slaves had no training in architecture design and was still able to create something so beautiful.
If you are ever in Brazil be sure to take the time to see Elevador Lacerda, the Bay of All Saints, the Casa de Carnaval Museum and The Church of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black People.


  1. Tammy Turner Reply

    Thanks for sharing some great history. Humans are amazing – to build a structure with no ‘formal’ training is….WOW! Hope you had a great time dancing and learning.

  2. jtyler16 Reply

    Reading about your experience really makes me want to visit! It’s amazing how history in Brazil mirrors those of other races and ethnicities in other countries. And the Church of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black People…wow. Just hearing the history alone has me in awe. I am so glad you had a chance to experience this in person.

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