Amazing images: polychromatic polarization microscopy of Tim Balmer’s brain slice preps

Shribak coronal SC

Mouse midbrain slice, coronal view

Michael Shribak of MBL, and Tim Balmer, postdoc at OHSU’s Vollum Institute, 2012 Grass Fellow and former Pallas Lab member, collaborated to produce these beautiful images of unstained, transparent mouse brain slices.  The paper describing the polychromatic polarization microscopy method that yielded these colorful images was recently published at Scientific Reports.

Balmer, T. S. & Pallas S. L. (2015) Visual experience prevents dysregulation of GABAB receptor-dependent short-term depression in adult superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 113, 2049–61.

Shribak, M. (2015) Polychromatic polarization microscope: bringing colors to a colorless world. Nature Sci. Reports 5: 17340.

Superior colliculus, sagittal view

Mouse brain slice, sagittal view