Weekly Write-Up 10/17 & 10/19

By: Tyler Booth

Tuesday 10/17

In class:
At the beginning of class we did our daily journals on Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and connected it to anything related to modern society. Later Dr. Crowther assigned us into groups and we did a class project on “Juveniles in the Justice System”, where we had to raise awareness about the corruption of adolescent people in the justice system. In the assignment we had to make a PACT chart- Purpose, Audience, Context, and Text, which can be seen in “Changing Writing” pages (11-20). We also had to look up background information to add facts to our proposal. We didn’t get to present our presentations today, but Thursday we are going to present.


Just Mercy:
Chapter 6: In this chapter the readers are introduced to a young Caucasian boy named Charlie who was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Charlie was arrested for murdering his abusive s

Chapter 8: In this chapter the readers are introduced to more cases involving young children serving life in prison, which all of them having horrible backgrounds. In the first case, a fourteen year old girl named Trina and her friends broke into someone’s house. Trina lit up a match and accidently set the house on fire, killing the trapped boys. Soon, Trina was arrested for the murder of the boys and she was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Trina became a victim of sexual assault while in prison. She became both mentally and physically ill.
In the second case, a thirteen year old boy named Ian and his friends robbed a couple at gunpoint, which ended with the lady being shot in the jaw. Ian was soon arrested and given life in prison without parole. Ian was put into solitary confinement, which was little to no human contact, since he was at risk of rape. In the justice system judges don’t even consider to look at the history of the convicted people.

Chapter 10: In this chapter the readers are introduced to a mental disable man named Avery Jenkins. Avery was on death row for killing an elderly man. We soon find out that Avery was abused sexually and physically when he was younger. In court Stevenson defends Jenkins and manage to get him off of death row and into a mental health facility.


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