Weekly Write Up #3 (09/05 & 09/07)

Weekly Write-up: Reading for Class

We started the week off by reading Approaching Writing Situations chapter one out of Changing Writing. Last week we read in chapter one about how to use PACT when reading a text to understand it. Now in chapter two, we learn about how to use PACT when writing or, to create new text. Well creating new text is something we do daily whether it’s: texting a friend, emailing your professor about how to do something, working on a resume or cover letter for a job, or creating an advertisement for something your protesting. When writing you must first under the citation before you can write and who are the individuals who are there. When writing we usually have on main problem that we need to answer.

During the end of the week we read about a scenario about voting registration on a college campus. Your aunt is running for congress and then asked you to get more college students to vote, by using some type of text convey your peers to register to vote. Finding a medium to put your text is the hard part. Putting a post on social media, a poster board around the school campus, a website, or putting it in your school’s paper


Class Notes/ Activities

Dr. Crowther started the class off on Tuesday by asking people how their Labor Day weekend was. She engaged the classroom with what she did over the weekend, which was going to Dragon-con and the book festival. Most people had nothing to say, so she went on to say what was we going to discuss today. During the past two weeks we have learned how to analyze a reader’s perspective of text, but now she is going to teach us how to analyze a writer’s perspective of text. However, to understand a writer’s perspective, we must understand how a writer can have different processes to writing. Now a writing process is basically what a writer does to help them find out how they want to write or what they want to writ e about. We went over a couple of writing processes in class as our daily grade. Some people like to brainstorm and take down notes before they write. Others like to ask for people input on the topic that they are writing about. I am the type of person that likes to free write and let the ideas flow fluently throughout the paper; while I go back and make corrections.
After this, Dr. Crowther brought up the topic of textbooks and gave advice to the students unable to receive it yet. She said that you can receive an online free trial of the class e-book on Amazon. She gave more advice by clarifying the different between context and text. Context is the time and place in which you use different vocabulary and formality. If you are applying for a job in the food industry and you have worked in the food industry, then you would prioritize that because that would be the type of formality. Text is the type of formatting and documenting you use based on the context. If you apply for a job and your resume is not formatted correctly, then they will most likely not hire you. This is where Dr. Crowther explained to us what are pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos is the technique you use to persuade someone using emotional appeal. Logos is using logical appeal and ethos is using ethical appeal or credibility. We then move on to our next activity, which is to read scenarios with a partner and PACT them. One of the scenarios is complaining about a noisy neighbor and this is an example of how my partner and I did it.
Purpose: Is to stop neighbors from being so nosy. What need to happen is for the neighbors to respect their fellow neighbors’ wishes and quiet down. We need to know why they are being so nosy.
Audience: We expect the neighbors causing the commotion to see the text. We can find out more about our audience by directly talking to them and asking questions. If the neighbors resist change then this will cause a barrier and we will need help from an outside force, such as the police.
Context: It is unsettling and irritating to hear loud noises day and night. It is in a neighborhood. This needs to be solved as soon as possible.
Text: Produce a poster. Write a strong written letter. Physically have a conversation about this problem.

During Thursday’s class Dr.C asked us about our homework, The PACT assessment that was due at the beginning of class. Dr.C put us in groups of four and we talked about our PACT assessment about Advocating Voter Registration on Campus. In groups, we came together and talked about each part of the homework: the purpose, audience, context and text. After, the groups were done discussing the homework each group came together and made one PACT for the group to turn in. Now comes the best part each group will come up with how they present their ideas of how to get people to vote.

Each group came up with idea of how to get college students to vote, many of the groups came up with very good ideas. One group came up with the idea to come up with a rap to get people to start voting, another one came up with the idea to start a free food to get people to register.



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