Enjoying the local brews

First night in town, had to get the brew that commons most recommended.
Arguably the most popular brand and brew in the country.
Arguably the most popular brand and brew in the country.
When you're anywhere, you must try the local brew.
Thursday night chillin’ at Big Mike’s. We even met Big Mike himself.
There was a promotion going on, buy 4 get 5.
There was a promotion going on, buy 4 get 5.
There was a promotion going on, buy 4 get 5.  How can you say no to that?  I'd be losing money if I didn't partake.
How can you say no to 5 for 4? I’d be losing money if I didn’t partake.
Almost like a mix between a Yuengling and a Heineken.
Almost like a mix between a Yuengling and a Heineken.
A very simple, lite and refreshing brew.
A very simple, lite and refreshing brew.

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