Week 14

I believe I have a great portfolio that showcased my skills that I have been taught throughout this semester. I did not know how to code, nor make a website. Now that we are approaching the end of the semester, I have a new skill to add to my resume that adds levels to my production and learning capabilities. This week, I checked over my portfolio for the final time for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Reading the professor’s email, it stated, “Remember that your goals for your portfolio are visual similarity (all files have the same navigation or at least look like they form a unified group), breadth of work (more items is better than fewer), and level of detail (evidence of effort).” Over the past ten weeks, I have provided many files that showcase my editing, researching, and creative works. I have also added more items for my portfolio as time progressed. My navigation banners do not look the same on each page, but it is unified via tabs. Every page shows a different side of me, so I wanted my banners to be different too. The good part of the navigation is that is works by directing the visitor to the file they are seeking.

Next week, I plan to post a link of my portfolio to my blog after answering these questions:

  1. A clear audience — who are you talking to?
  2. A clear purpose — what are you claiming to be able to do?
  3. A unified appearance — each screen should have the same navigation system and should look like all the others, with the possible exception of your index.html page, which might be a hero screen with just a one button navigation scheme.
  4. Content. As much content as you can find and create over the course of this semester.

There is one week left to go!


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