Week 12

My blog post for week twelve until fourteen may be very short, but nonetheless, I will write about the improvements I have made to my portfolio of the semester. This week, I was able to look at my w3spaces to see if I can make my about page stand out more. I wanted to make it bold and not bland like how it was originally. I also corrected my spelling errors and html input to make my about page better. I created a checklist on the things I have completed for this week, below. 


  • Change resume html profile picture.  
  • Change about html profile picture. 
  • Make about page letters in bold and black words.
  • Add description and percentages to languages you speak on resume page.

For next week, I want to have my portfolio peer reviewed. It will be our second to last week, so I am open to any suggestions that will improve my portfolio before its due date. I may also include a link to my school blog in About Page, so that employers have the chance to glance at my school experiences per course. That’s it for my week twelve post. 

Week 11

Wow, I cannot believe I have not posted since week 6. We have four weeks to go until the end of the semester! Since beginning my portfolio, many things have been improved as well as learned throughout these weeks. 

What I did this week is remarkably simple, yet important. I needed to look over my portfolio and search for what I need to improve on to make it better for my potential employers. The first thing I did was look at my index, portfolio, resume, and about HTMLs. My index, opening page, was excellent. The week before spring break, I changed the “what can I do for you?” into “click here.” I feel like the background of the site compliments my hello world moment quite well. Next, I looked at my portfolio page. Another thing I was able to do during the week before spring break was the navigation panels. My navigation panels are finally at the top of each page, and I like how I change the colors, so that each HTMLs are different.  

On the portfolio page, I will change my photo into the one that is currently on my resume and about pages. That is the only professional photo I have, and I will not be able to take more until after the school season is completed this semester. Besides that, I really like the changes I have made to my portfolio page. After I change my photo, I may add a link to my bible journal that shows more of my portfolio. Moving forward, I looked at my resume and noticed some changes I will make. I will change, add, an explanation of my skills and what that means. There is no percentage on my language compacity, so that is another thing I will add, including detailed explanations. Finally, my about page is very well and simple. Too simple. Next week, I plan to look at w3spaces to see if there are templates that will make the information, I have provided into my about page stand out. After I correct my edits for next week, I may ask a classmate to review my portfolio and discuss any suggestions they have that will improve my work. This is what I did this week and what I plan to do next week.