Another Week as an Intern

Another week has ended working with TGND Consulting. My bosses have been teaching me a lot about the copywriting and public relations business. It wasn’t until this week that I actually learned about Grammarly. Grammarly is a site that auto-corrects typos, grammar mistakes, and other writing mistakes. It has been a lifesaver this week for submitting blogs, pitches, etc. It got me wondering why haven’t these professors haven’t brought it up for their students. Don’t they want us to not have typos or fewer spelling mistakes? Unfortunately, that’s Georgia State University for you. My tasks for this week are less work due to last week having to complete more assignments to make up for the lack of intern hours. 

This week was centered around scheduling posts, making edits to captions, and responding to interview questions. I feel like this internship has brought out more of my research skills than ever before. I can look up a client or person better than I used to because of the constant need for it. Researching is needed everywhere. I don’t know why but I used to think research is more used for medical, psychological, or teaching purposes for educational professions or students. Researching is used for writing, copywriting, public relations, marketing, social media, and just about anything needed for papers, scripts, and media. 


Week 5

I’m very impressed with my time management skills because I had a lot of intern tasks to do this week. In the previous week, it was more about researching information and/or clients for PR events. This week, my tasks were more focused on social media captions and posting. I was more nervous about completing these assignments because I’m not used to creating content such as these. I have social media, but I don’t really post as other people my age would post on their Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, etc. I share more on my stories but with my close friends. I really had to tap into my creative side to come up with hooks and catchy phrases when I was writing the texts for the captions. Luckily, the captions I completed are not scheduled as of yet, so whatever I need to improve on I will know or can edit before they publish it online. With all the nervousness, I do think I still did good. I don’t remember stating in my previous blogs but my article/blog post was published on the TGND Consulting website not that long ago. I was beyond excited! Also, the grand opening of Djuan’s Restaurant was great this past Saturday. It was many people who came out, and I think the owner will end up having to create reservations soon when he opens to the public officially. Overall, I’m enjoying the progress of my internship.

Week 4

I don’t have much to say or report about this week, internship task wise. It’s been a busy week for my intern bosses because this week is a grand opening for a New Orleans restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. The only things I had to do for this week specifically, pertaining to the event, is copying and pasting the bloggers and media. I also added contact information for them too. I’m excited about this Saturday to enjoy the event. It’s also Superbowl weekend, and right before Valentine’s Day, so I know the owner will be getting a lot of publicity and income for his opening. I did my first outreach email for another task. It may not be seen as much but I researched how to format one, and there are so many different types. There are cold emails, warm emails, emails for bloggers, and pitching brands. I decided on a cold email to write. For next week, I’ll begin revising my resume and cover letters for summer internships. I hope I can get a paid summer internship for Warner Bros., Disney, or even the Atlanta Journal. Copy writing is so broad and can be fluid that you can branch into different industries. So far, I’ve been liking the public relations and media industry. It is very different and is fun to go to the events you worked hard for. 

Week 3

Already we are into a new month, and the workload of the internship has increased. I have done a revision of a press release, and I think I’m starting to get the hang of it. I also did a revision of a core pitch. It made better sense on how to write and construct it after I asked my intern boss about what she expects from the task before releasing it into the media. I can see myself using more practice for the press releases and pitches for social media or events in today’s society. In today’s society, I know it will be used more to branch out their brand and for publicity reasons. This week, I have done more researching information. I actually like researching clients. One of the things I like to do in my spare time besides painting or reading books is to watch interviews on Youtube. The workload of this week is a lot only because of my other classes. As the semester progress forward, I have a feeling that it will become more and more busier. It has not reached the point of overwhelming but if it were I would probably take time off from work to get a better focus on the tasks at hand.