The second week of my internship on Tuesday after our scheduled weekly intern meetings kicked off into full drive. I had more tasks this week versus last week, and so far so good. I feel like the toughest part this week would have to be how I have to management my time to complete my intern tasks with my schoolwork and job. It is hard having to manage everything but I like how I am finally getting experience as a copywriter/copy editor. I hope after graduation I won’t be as tired because I won’t have to deal with school courses anymore. I also had trouble with thinking of things to write a pitch for a dental business. I feel like media brands and entrepreneurs are easier to write for because they aren’t just a brand or building but individuals apart from their crafts. You can write more to bring more emphasis and exposure for the product they are trying to market. In two weeks, we’ll be helping with the launch of a new restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. I’ll be assisting with the press release and the copy edits needed for the event. Another thing that has been interesting would have to be social media. I know it’s funny to hear, but I am not a social media person. Since the internship, I feel like I’ve been slightly more involved. I’m definitely taking baby steps.