Field Notes (Digital)

See- The only field notes that I could take for this site was my vision. The Atlanta buzz website provided many grasping images that made me want to learn the detail of the event. The format was also pretty easy to control and go around. Everything was in order and easy to understand.

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Built Environment Description: Digital Record (Digital) 2

Screenshot (6)

As I said before, I clicked on the detail link for this Shaky Knees Festival to see what it was all about. The link gave me details on the date, place, cost, and who is going to perform at the concert. There was also additional information on what they offer if you buy the ticket. A buyer will get a wristband, get to see an art market, provided a free water stations, and more.

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Field Notes (Interior)

See: There are plenty of paintings from artist that describe their feelings on slavery and segregation. Photos and writings are displayed of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Coretta Scott King, Gandhi, and Rosa Parks. These paintings and writings explained their life growing up and how their hard work and dedication continues to influence people today. […]

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Built Environment Description: Digital Record 5 (Interior)

MLK did many different events and activities for his community and people. He was a preacher in Atlanta and traveled to help other states get rid of segregation. The video shows actual clothes that he wore doing his activities including his everyday clothes. Next to each clothing is a description of what they were used for.

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