Starting Point:
Race Change Space
At this time, the Atlanta and Metro Atlanta area is known for its diversity. Many people from different states and countries worldwide have come to Atlanta and now call it home. Diversity is a real plus for a city for Atlanta however as you go into Metro Atlanta (ex. Cobb County) things are different.
As we all know, there was segregation in most southern states since the late 1800s to mid-1900s. Cobb County was also a part of these times. However, as things began to change during these times (civil rights movement) and more African Americans were moving into the city of Atlanta, white flight would take place. White flight is the movement of white people when African Americans moved into their suburbs and town. By the 1970s, many white people would live in Cobb County as Atlanta would have more African Americans.
For people that live in Cobb County now, they know that there is a different division of races in the county. In the South Cobb and West Cobb area, there are mostly African Americans, Hispanics, and elders. In East Cobb and North Cobb, there are many Whites and other small races mixed in (Asian, Europeans). These changes came started to show in the 1990s and 2000s.
As the changes of county became present, many other communities and spaces were changing as well. When it came to the end of segregation, aspects of an area tended to change just like Cobb County. Even though, certain areas can be fixed (like schools and buildings), it will take time for these spaces to catch up with everyone else and change for the better.