Annotated Bibliography 2

Vergara, Camilo Jose. “How The Streets Honors MLK.” The Nation 9–2 2013: p.18–20. Web. Picture: In this article, written by Camilo Vergara, the writer explains another form of art that people like to do in order to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The writer has went out to many inner city locations in cities like New […]

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Midterm Reflection

When I was in high school, I was in a program called IB where I took intensive writing course all throughout my four years there. So when I applied to this class, I thought it was going to be an easy break away from English. However, when the point system was explained it seemed that […]

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Reading Summary 4

Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating’ The world is slowly changing around us and all most of us can do is watch it unfold. There are many groups that are fighting for their rights so that they can be respected. Transgender is a group that comes to mind as more people are just now understanding more about […]

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Reading Summary 3

His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society             In our society today, many civil right groups like blacks and women have fought hard to get to the equality that they have today. However, there still is a certain group of people fighting for their rights throughout America. This group is known as LGBT (lesbian, […]

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Built Environment Description: Digital Record 2

In this video, I captured numbers that are important to the team. Just like how every professional sport team has the numbers of players who played well for them hanging high above the stadium, field, or court ( majority go to the hall of fame), Turner Field has it outside the park as well. Under each number is a brief history of this player and their importance on the team. With players like Chipper Jones, John Smoltz, Tom Glavine, and Hank Aaron numbers being on display, fans understand how the Braves have become the team that they are today.

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