Compassion Poster 

My poster is about compassion for pets. Nowadays, most families have pets, cats, dogs, hamsters, birds.. People may want to have pets because they feel lonely, they want to have a friend, have companionship or just because other people have pets too. But some people abandon or give away their pets after a while because they didn’t know it’s so much work to take care of an animal. It’s like having kids, we are responsible for their life. We need to feed them, teach them, keep them safe and healthy, take them to the doctor if they get sick, walk them everyday and play with them when they are bored. I have 3 dogs. I love them so much, but I have to work a lot. So I don’t  have enough time to play with them, they are always waiting for me to come home. I feel so bad about this, so whenever I have time I will take them outside, to the park, or just for a simple car ride. They will be so happy. Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. 
I want my poster to remind people or raise awareness to people who are pet owners, or thinking about getting a pet. to share more love for your pets. They really need our love and compassion. No matter who you are, your dog always loves you unconditionally. If you choose to have a pet, you need to take the responsibility of taking good care of them. 

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