Stephanie Langston

Senior Lecturer of Spanish, Newton & Online

Hola! Bienvenidos.



la familia de prof. Langston

You will find course syllabi, my contact info, information about course materials and the free placement exam on this website. See the links at the right.  If you plan to purchase materials before classes begin and you do not plan to use the campus bookstore, please contact me in advance at  

Click on the ‘Syllabi” link (in the menu at right) to see Spring 2025 syllabi.  

We will be using the 7th edition of the Vistas text (custom package and/or code). You do not need it for the first day of class.


My online classes will be conducted almost entirely asynchronously.  Soon you will find your syllabus at the Syllabi link in the margin at right.
There will be a comprehensive online orientation to the class on Mon. Jan. 13th at 8:00 pm. It will be online through WebEx at the link below at that time. You may either join online at that time via WebEx or watch the recording of the orientation. In order to join the session online, use the link below.  You do not need to be logged onto iCollege.  Simply use the link below.  You do not need an attendee ID.:

You may use your computer audio or use your phone.  It is not necessary to have a mic or call-in, as the most important thing is to be able to hear the audio and follow along.  You can text chat your questions, if you’d like.  If you plan to listen through your computer, select “computer audio.”  If you cannot use your computer audio or it is not working, you may call-in instead.

(Optional:) +1-415-655-0002 US Toll      Access code: 734 668 771

If you have questions before the course begins, feel free to call/text 770-856-0980.  Also, check your email, as I may be contacting you before class begins. 



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