For this, there were multiple projects that coincided with one another apart of the same theme. The first project being subdivision of a groundsheet which uses black sheet and white Bristol paper with the goal to create designs. These designs should have diverse variety, rhythm, repetition and a flowing relationships. The first one could only be used with straight horizontal or vertical lines, this one was my favorite from this project! It took me a long time to master the use of an X-acto knife which is a blade we used in order to do cutouts for our line and shape projects. I already cutout and laid out my design for this when I realized that a lot of the black paper designs were not cut smooth and then I decided to completely redo it with the same design. As tedious as this was, it was worth it and made me prouder of my work. I liked this project because it resembles a city and architecture yet not directly so. That was fun to me because my idea wasn’t even for it to resemble a city but the inside of a computer when taken apart. Some pieces move off the page, there are no places left unfulfilled. It is just line horizontally and vertically yet it suggests more and creates intrigue. This took me probably the most time to do strangely enough out of all the projects we have done. This project helped me understand that time management is extremely important and helped me navigate through the next few assignments more efficiently.
For this part it is the same idea as the above but only using diagonal lines, shapes need to be pulling in viewers eyes angularly from different directions and simultaneously creating tension, I redid this one too because one line looked crooked but it was already glued and it would have looked messy. Since this was the same concept it was fairly easy yet again time consuming at the same time. I really took time to make sure nothing looked too crowded and no part looked overtly empty. Though it is a similar concept with just line I also wanted this to give a completely different look than the horizontal and vertical project so that this was still intriguing and not too repetitive. Invites comparisons but also creates an individuality.
Again the same concept yet with curved lines! Curved lines were the hardest part of this project because using the X-acto knife and curving it into a smooth and non rigid curve took a lot of trial and error. A lot of black paper was wasted by me during this time point of the subdivision of groundsheet assignment. Creating different sizes of the same exact curve and create a flow was my goal. But I also wanted some different types of curves so that the piece was not boring but the pieces would not come out perfectly rounded as quickly as I hoped. It ended up working out okay.
For the fourth part you use all four in unison: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and curved lines for one design. This came more naturally since the previous pieces helped me become better with my cut-work and allowed me to do my work more efficiently with experience and practice, although on this one balancing the designs was more difficult when creating flow and strangely enough there were some spaces that felt empty where the curves were located so I had to touch up on that a decent amount with negative spaces and positive equilibrium. Negative space: the area that surrounds the subject of the work (the subject being the black cutouts).
The last part is the antonym assignment which is a list using these forms of line in order to create two images that are contradicting opposites of each other an easy example to better help you understand is the concept of nature vs man-made. I chose to do broken and whole. I chose to do a pretty uniform pattern of curves and then in the other one parts of that patterned curve are scattered by cutting out parts of black paper so that this time the subject of the work was in white which is different from the previous pieces. This method is definitely more difficult since if you mess up a piece you need to redo the image since its all apart of one.