Almanac’ing’ -Database and more!!

One more fruitful month has passed by and we have been proceeding at a swift pace with the development of the Almanac Archive Project. This project is basically about hosting a database containing images of the nineteenth century British Almanacs. Searching the database for a given day will retrieve all the images from the almanacs from our database. Users will be able to access the information that various nineteenth-century almanacs offered contemporary readers on any given day. We had a meeting 2 weeks back with our fellow SIF’s, Lindsey, Brennan, Dylan and Robin. We have got the final documents for the interface design and the database map. In the discussion, Robin gave us inputs about how to proceed with the database and the web pages development. Since all of us have decided to go ahead with the PHP and mySQL for the development of the project, Robin had suggested us Symfony framework. Symfony is basically a high performance PHP Framework for web development. This is basically for speeding up the creation and maintenance of the PHP web applications. Though we had a brief idea about PHP, we have not used it before in developing a project. So, going by the complexity of the project design , we had requested to go ahead with with the custom PHP instead of the Symfony framework of the project.

We have started developing the project and have developed the first two modules last week. The “administrator” login page and the “Add Entry” page were designed and developed. The Add entry page will allow the user to add the almanacs into the database. It will also enable the user to edit the added entries. Several fields for the entries have also been developed.

Adminadd entryTables
The next set of modules will be done by the end of next week. We are simultaneously building the database for the pages. Hopefully by the end of the semester, we should be able to complete the interface design and the database. Once we complete entering all those digital images into the database table, we will be able to host the website and it would be ready for public use. Hopefully by the end of the semester we would be completing the design.

We have also been scheduled a meeting next week for an another project Executive Approval Project. The details of the project are yet to be known. But by the details sent to us over an email, this project is to automate few parts of the project’s data collection process and to build an interface for the website. I would be posting the updates regarding this in my next blog post. Hopefully by the end of the semester we will be finishing all the works and projects assigned to us.

Continuing my series of videos, I have watched one more video which talks about “How the Company You keep can Rapidly change your results” . This video discusses how a good company changes our way of thinking and allows us to think in a better way of understand the world. I felt that this would be a good watch.

Meanwhile, we have almost reached the midpoint of the semester. All our midterms, project proposal submission, quizzes are scheduled for the next week. It is also time for us to find internship opportunities for the coming summer. Hopefully everything goes well and we should land in an opportunity. Whatever is going to happen, one thing is what everyone should believe in: KARMA!

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