S “I” F

A brief intro about me:

I have completed my under graduation in Computer Science at SASTRA University, India. Immediately after graduation, I got an opportunity to work at Tata Consultancy Services, Asia’s largest software exporter. This was great opportunity for me to start off my career as a software Engineer. I realized my love for technology after I have joined TCS. I worked on SAP material management as a functional tester. SAP is used for processing massive amounts of data in commercial applications such as ERP. I have also worked on ASP.net, ADO.net and MS SQL Server during my Initial Leaning period at TCS.

Work at the SIF:

I will be working on online deliberation map development tool this semester. The work will enable the development of visual representation of a discussion forum for teachers and students. This tool, when successfully implemented would be integrated into the Desire2Learn System. The project would require me to use JavaScript, HTML and CSS for the client side programming and PHP, SQL for server side programming. I have already worked on MS SQL Server, so I have some knowledge on the back end process. But a bit of unlearning has to happen as I will now have to work on MySQL. And for the front end, I am currently pursuing a Web development course which can help me in building strong fundamentals in JavaScript, CSS and html. Hopefully I should be learning them as soon as possible.


It is really very exciting to work at SIF. The environment and the work culture at SIF is very simple and cool. People are very warm and courteous. One has to be lucky enough to be working at a place like this. SIF, in short is a place where you get paid to learn. It is very easy to overcome your home sickness when you are working with people like these. To say in short, there is fun, there is work and then there is SIF.

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