Armor Project

April 2023
Medium: Rigid Wrap, Cardboard, Dictionary Pages, Safety Glasses, Screws and Nuts, Aluminum Foil, Printed Paper.

For this project, I had to create an “armor” to protect from a prominent issue in today’s society, transmit a social message through art, and inspiring for change. After selecting an issue that connects personally, I had to create three main pieces to form an armor that protects from this issue. The three pieces needed to create include a mask or headpiece, a wearable garment, and an object to hold with the hands. I also had to include rigid wrap and cardboard, while also using other materials of my preference, that could be obtained in different ways including thrifting.

For my process, I started by doing divergent thinking to brainstorm about the issue that I wanted to convey. After a detailed process of considering different topics and ways to address it, the issue that I chose is xenophobia, specifically, discrimination against immigrants in the U.S.A., an issue I connect with as an immigrant myself. My idea was to create an armor that protects immigrants from those who discriminate against them, as well as create awareness of the importance of immigrants and what they contribute to this country, for those who discriminate to see and learn. I created a cape made of pages from multilanguage dictionaries, with arms over it that “embrace” the languages. I created two shields that go on the arms, and when put together they form a house with the world map in it, to protect immigrants from those who tell them to “go back to their home” with the idea that we are all “citizens of the world,” and the world is our home. I also create a pair of glasses with nails, screws, and nuts, and images of immigrants that have contributed to the country, to represent the importance of immigrants and the phrase “immigrants built this country.”

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