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For my final post I want to write about the links. The links were definitely my biggest weakness and struggle during this entire process, besides the images. I couldn’t figure out why my links were taking me to a… Continue Reading →
For this week, I want to write about the difficulties I had while I was working on the picture inputting. It took me forever to realize that you had to upload your photo to the cloud. This process took me… Continue Reading →
I made a mistake with the previous week’s post and just wrote about the events throughout my week, rather than the portfolio. My mistake. I’m also quite behind on these updates, because I kind of worked on my portfolio all… Continue Reading →
This week was not too eventful for me. Pretty much every day, I went to class, came home, took a nap, ate dinner, and then hung out and did homework with my roommate until I went to bed. My roommate… Continue Reading →
For this week’s assignment, I used ChatGPT so that I could solidify where my answers were coming from. Here is the conversation: When applying for an entry-level creative writing position, what should I make sure is in my portfolio? When… Continue Reading →
For this week’s assignment, I used ChatGPT. I started by asking it: “I am about to graduate from college with a degree in English. I want to find an entry level position in the publishing and editing industry. What skills… Continue Reading →
For this week’s assignment, I used Indeed because I am fairly well-versed in the website. I started by simply typing “writing” into the description, and changing the experience level to “Entry”. I know that “writing” is pretty broad, but for… Continue Reading →
Hi! My name is Sara James and I am a junior at Georgia State University. I am studying English with a concentration in creative writing, and a minor in Philosophy. I hope to go into the more professional English setting… Continue Reading →
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