Observing Your Target Audience

Creative Problem Solving

The goal is to listen with your eyes in order to understand what people value and care about. Go to a place where you can observe your target audience and their behaviors. This simple scaffolding allows you to move from concrete observations of a particular scene to thinking about the more abstract emotions and motives that are at play in the situation.

Identify patterns of behavior, pain points, and places where users have a difficult time doing something—these all lend to tremendous opportunity. If you can, put yourself in their situation so you can see what their experience is, and feel what they feel.

Select at least one location from your list of possible observation spots. Use your workbook and complete the table

  • Who to view? What types of people do you want to observe in order to learn and get inspired?
  • Where to go online? Where can you observe your target audience online? Are they on social media?
  • Where to go offline? Where can you observe your target audience in the real world?
  • What things to watch for? What are you curious to learn? What themes will you be looking for?

Observing Your Target Audience Example

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